We are a building owner's elevator consulting firm that provides your organization's team members with an elevator expert at their fingertips.We can help that team by conducting portfolio consolidations, managing elevator modernizations, performing due diligence reviews, or auditing your elevator maintenance programs. No matter what your needs, we can customize an approach to meet your requirements. 

DES performs all the regular functions of elevator consulting, including analyzing projects for construction, modernization or building purchase, creating specifications, assistance in contracting, managing projects after award, maintenance audits, due diligence for purchases, expert witness assistance in legal matters and providing all forms of technical advice or assistance in dealing with vertical transportation issues. 

We specialize in consolidating  maintenance agreements for owners or managers of multiple properties and help in managing those maintenance portfolios after the consolidations. We provide a complete package of assistance, including handling transitions between contractors, monitoring of contractor's work, and invoicing and technical assistance for individual  building personnel on a fixed fee or retainer basis.

Why Use Us!

With over 75 years of combined elevator experience, Duncan Elevator Solutons can resolve even the most complex vertical transportation issue for your company. We serve some of the nation's largest and most sophisticated clients in the commercial real estate business today. Our staff includes a certified QEI (Qualified Elevator Inspector) and we handle everything from modernizations to maintenance consolidations and from physical inspections to the monitoring of elevator and escalator project costs.

Our Experience Shows!

We have worked with some of the premier clients in the industry. Sisters of Mercy Hospitals, Ascension Healthcare, Luxury Resorts and Hotels, Columbia Susex Corporation, Highwoods Properties, Gramercy Corporation, and In-Rel Properties, to name a few.
We have consolidated the elevator maintenance contracts for over 1000 facilities and saved our clients millions of dollars in annual maintenance costs, all while installing a more disciplined and responsive maintenance program for their elevator portfolios, You owe it to yourself and your company to check us out!